Most health and environmental experts recommend that you have your mattress cleaned every six months to a year. A clean mattress helps you feel more comfortable, breathe easier and enjoy a more restful sleep through the night. At Allure Carpet Cleaning, we are happy to provide green mattress cleaning in Jericho and throughout most of New Jersey.
If you have pets that sleep in your bed with you, their dirt and dander soil the mattress quickly. Many people have allergy problems because of pet dander. If you find that you sneeze or cough more often in bed and your mattress has not been cleaned, a deep cleaning may help tremendously.
Dust collects in your mattress over time just as it does on every other surface in your home. It gets pushed deep into the mattress. As time passes, the ever-growing collection of dust attracts dust mites. These tiny pests can trigger allergy problems, cause your skin to itch or worsen some existing health issues.
A mattress will develop a stale or unpleasant odor over time if it collects dirt and sweat. If you suffer from night sweats frequently, your mattress will absorb the sweat. Profuse and frequent sweating can also leave your mattress stained.
If you have small children, their mattresses may get soiled if they wet the bed. Mattresses can still retain odors even if they have moisture-resistant covers. Children and adults alike often take drinks or food into their beds and cause spills. If you have food or drink spills, your mattress can attract ants and other pests.
Mattress cleaning is also useful if you have had a bedbug infestation in the past. After the infestation has been properly removed, some of the exoskeletons and fecal debris from the bedbugs may remain. A deep cleaning of your mattress will remove their unpleasant residue.
Although some people look to Google for DIY methods, these suggestions are ineffective and dangerous. Some methods only cover surface cleaning, which still leaves the deeper parts of your mattress filled with dust and mites. If you do not have the proper tools and try to clean your mattress with water, it may not dry properly. When this happens, it could develop mold that is harmful to your health. At Allure Carpet Cleaning, we have the knowledge and tools to effectively and safely clean your mattress. These are some benefits of working with us:
We have over 10 years of experience cleaning mattresses. If you are looking for reliable and prompt mattress cleaning in Jericho, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.
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